Enhance Your Site/ Increase Confidence

Show Site Statistics to your members, including:
Member Activity - now, this hour, today, yesterday, this week, this month
Member Ads - sites, banners and text ads in rotation
Traffic - hits, banner and text ads delivered today and yesterday
Members - Total members, signups today, yesterday, this week, this month
Commissions - Commissions paid.
In the Admin Panel you can customize the Site Dashboard. You can hide/show any of these categories, change their name, sorting or groping. Select the categories where your site is strong and show them to your members.
Your Site Dashboard can be shown in Sales Page, Side Panel, Member Area, Splash Pages, OTOs, Login Offers and Rotating Offers. This mod also has individual macros for each category (like #FC_SITESTATS_SURFMONTH#) and can be used in all areas listed and admin emails
This mod includes:
- Function to display your Site Dashboard as well as individual Site Statistics in your Sales Page, Side Panel, Member Area, Splash Pages, OTOs, Login Offers and Rotating Offers. Individual site statistics can also be shown in Admin Emails
- Admin page where you can hide/show categories, change their names, order or grouping
Show the best of your site and increase confidence
Get it for one time payment of $ 40.00
You must login to make this purchase
Auto installer available. If you need support for installation, please contact me.
- Auto installer is available.
To show the Site Dashboard in your side panel, the header.php inside your current theme needs to be changed. Besides this, there is neither impact nor changes on LFMTE files
You will receive free upgrades for this mod in case I enhance it