Reduce the Time and Effort to Manage Your Site
Get the tools you are missing to manage subscriptions and signups easier, having access to deleted accounts, subscription history, restrict emails that can be used to signup and receive email notifications when a member unsubscribe or deletes the account.
With these tools you can:
- Reduce members sending email, deleting their account and joining again to get signup bonus
- Receive an email when a member unsubscribes or deletes the account
- Manage deleted accounts
- Check subscription history by member
- Identify probable rejoins
- Ban email domains or restrict email domains (for example: only gmail accounts)
The tools you just were waiting!
Get it for one time payment of $ 35.00
You must login to make this purchase
This mod can be installed in all your LFM sites which you own.
- Temporal access to your cpanel is required for the installation
This mod requires limited changes on signup and member profile pages.
You will receive free upgrades for this mod in case I enhance it