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Custom TE Mods

Improving Your Traffic Exchange

Commission & Cash Stats | Inactive Members | Top Promoter Contest | Icon Collection VM
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| Member Account Details VM | Top Members | Unsubscribers
| Timed Banner & Splash Pages | Help Desk Installation | Site Dashboard

Top Promoter Contest

Increase the Number of Members Promoting your Site

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Add to your site a fully automated weekly contest were the winners are the members who promote more, and not the members who get more referrals.This approach has given very good results to sites using this mod, because members increase their promotion activity motivated by the contest prizes and additional may get referrals

This mod keeps track of all pages promoting your site: referral url, splash pages, personal splash pages and even members can add their own splash page to promote your site (admin approval required)

In the admin area you can check statistics of all members promoting your site, which pages are they using and in which sites they are promoting, with option to ban specific sites from the contest (for example autosurf sites) and you can define extra points for promoting on sites you prefer. This list of sites is show to the members with your own referral URL.

Prizes for top promoters and/or random promoters can be defined from the admin panel and winners are rewarded and informed by email automatically

This mod includes:

  • Member area page with the list of top members for the current week
  • Member area page with the list of winners of the previous contest
  • Member area page with the list of sites with extra points with your own affiliate urls
  • Member area page to allow member add their own customized splash to promote your site
  • Admin pages to setup your contest prizes for top promoters or random promoters, add/ delete banned sites, define points per site, approve custom member splash pages and view statistics of promotional pages.

The best package to increase your site promotion
Get it now for just $ 95.00

You must login to make this purchase

  • Installation requires temporary access to your cpanel is required for the installation
  • Impact on LFMTE files is limited: additional code in index.php and splashpage.php is required to track activity

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